Ayuh, bangkitlah. Saya percaya, setiap anak Pahang mempunyai darah kepahlawanan Mat Kilau, setiap anak Perak mempunyai semangat menentang penjajahan Datuk Maharajalela, setiap anak Terengganu mempunyai resam Rahman Limbung, dan akhir sekali, setiap anak Malayu mempunyai darah Jebat dalam memartabatkan keadilan. Bangkitlah bangsaku, menentang penjajah era baru, Kerajaan Penjajah. - Edy Noor Reduan
Friday, October 25, 2013
Kemenangan BN PRU13 Bebaskan Liong Sik Dari Skandal PKFZ
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Kerajaan tua ini hilang kreativiti tadbir negara untuk ringankan beban rakyat
Regim ini sudah terlalu tua dan tidak kreatif maka cadangan di bawah diusul;
Bayangkan Singapura mampu mendapat lebih 1Billion SGD setiap tahun hanya dari GST yang dibayar oleh pengeksport Malaysia. Malangnya kita hanya mampu RM147.108 juta (2008) dan RM141.15 juta (2009) melalui levi kenderaan/barangan meninggalkan dan masuk negara melalui pintu sempadan Malaysia-Singapura. Bagaimana perkara ini boleh berlaku dan berlarutan bertahun tahun.
- Muatan Jadual 1 (perihal kenderaan) RM200.00
- ii. Muatan Jadual II (dikecualikan sepenuhnya) RM 0.00
- iii. Muatan Jadual III (dikecualikan sepenuhnya) RM 0.00
- iv. Muatan Jadual IV (dikecualikan 50%) RM 100.00
Kadar sekarang | dicadangkan | |
Jadual I | RM 200.00 | RM300.00 |
Jadual II | RM 0.00 | RM 150.00 |
Jadual III | RM 0.00 | BATAL |
Jadual IV | RM 100.00 | RM300.00 |
Kadang sekarang | dicadangkan | |
Muatan dagangan | RM 100.00 | RM 200.00 |
Tanpa muatan | RM 0.00 | KEKAL |
d) Kadar levi lama amat lapuk selama 27 tahun tidak dipinda dan kedudukan mata wang Malaysia yang pada ketika itu lebih tinggi dari Singapura sebaliknya kini berbeza kita tertinggal dari Singapura.
Pengasas Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia
Tahniah Kerajaan PR Selangor dan P.Pinang Bergerak Selangkah Perkukuh Demokrasi
23 Okt 2013
18 September lalu Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang melalui mesyuarat Exco Kerajaan Negeri telah meluluskan secara prinsipnya peruntukan kepada ADUN pembangkang di Pulau Pinang (baca : Barisan Nasional) dan lanjutan kelulusan Mesyuarat Exco ini akan dibentangkan dalam Belanjawan Negeri P.Pinang 2014. Manakala 10 Oktober lepas Kerajaan PR Selangor pula telah mengumumkan elaun khas dan keistimewaan kepada Ketua Pembangkang Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor.
Bagi SAMM ini usaha berani dalam memperkukuh dan mendidik erti demokrasi sebenar di Malaysia namun memahami dalam searah panjang penindasan dalam menterjemah sistem demokrasi ala Barisan Nasional tentu tindakan seperti ini sukar diterima oleh beberapa pihak dalam PR itu sendiri.
Namun jika kita bercakap soal demokrasi matang, inilah masa terbaik menunjukkan PR berbeza dengan politik penindasan Bn. Kita lihat selama ini bagaimana wakil rakyat PR khususnya ahli parlimen dinafikan hak untuk berkhidmat kepada rakyat dengan satu sen pun peruntukan tidak disalurkan melalui wakil rakyat PR yang diangkat dengan undi rakyat. Kini satu tamparan hebat buat ADUN Bn di Pulau Pinang. Adakah mereka mahu menerima peruntukan yang diberikan kepada mereka walaupun mereka pembangkang ?
Jawatan Ketua Pembangkang dalam dewan (sama ada dewan rakyat atau dewan undangan negeri) amat penting. Namun sejak merdeka Malaysia tidak pernah menghormati seperti mana negara - negara demokrasi matang mengiktiraf jawatan tersebut. Kerajaan PR Selangor mengorak langkah apabila memberikan elaun khas RM8,260 sebulan dengan perbagai keistemewaan lain kepada Ketua Pembangkang di Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor.
Seharusnya beginilah politik negara dibawa kepada persaingan polisi dan persaingan dalam penambahbaikan yang akhirnya memperkukuh demokrasi dan menguntungkan rakyat.
Besar harapan SAMM ingin melihat Perdana Menteri Malaysia merangkap Menteri Kewangan yang menjadikan perkataan 'tranformasi' sebagai zikirnya tiap hari dalam membentangkan Buget 2014 Jumaat ini mampu benar benar menyambut langkah Kerajaan PR Selangor dan P.Pinang. Langkah ini juga positif dan semua harus bergerak dalam memperkukuh demokrasi dengan mengiktiraf peranan ahli parlimen PR dengan mengambil kira penyaluran peruntukan melalui mereka yang dipilih rakyat dan mengangkat peranan Parlimen Malaysia dengan mengiktiraf keistimewaan kepada Ketua Pembangkang Malaysia. Jika tidak zikir 'transformasi' itu akan terus menjadi retorik bahan ketawa mainan dalam dan luar negara.
Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia
Monday, October 21, 2013
Sempena Hartal 66 tahun, Ayuh Kita Susun Gerakan Ampuh
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Sembelih Korban di Sekolah
Aku juga dah dengar perbualan Saravan dgn guru besar skolah tu, memang Saravan membuat teguran dengan cara yang sangat provokativ dan boleh menimbulkan racial/religion tension! Sepatutnya dia lebih cool sbb dia ada point, x perlu provoke pun. Dari perbualan tu kita boleh agak ia akan burukkan keadaan jika di'viral', dan kini sudahpun viral. Kesannya, kebencian melampau!
Dalam masa sama, aku setuju dengan banyak pendapat betapa TOLERANSI itu penting sebagaimana kita bertoleransi dalam ritual agama lain, contohnya perarakan cina mati, india mati, thaipusam, pecah kelapa dan pelbagai ritual lain lagi yang berlangsung di tempat awam.
Kalau setiap slot ini boleh saling bertoleransi, patutnya isu sembelih korban juga tidak menjadi satu perkara yang besar. Cuma kena lihat balik, check n balance, kewajaran ibadat ini dilakukan di sekolah - apakah perlu dinotiskan supaya ibubapa non-muslim ini lebih faham? open verdict.
Tapi, persoalan kenapa 'agama islam dapat peruntukkan' tidak seperti agama lain, kenapa islam boleh agama lain x boleh, cukuplah kalau dijawab - kerana islam agama rasmi negara ini. Mereka yang non-muslim wajar fahami konsep adil. Adil bukan semestinya bermaksud sama-rata.
Kita sebagai umat islam juga perlu faham bagaimana melaksanakan keadilan yang dituntut. Janganlah kerana ini negara rasminya Islam, maka kita boleh buat sesuka hati tanpa ambil kira sensitiviti.
Janganlah pulak kita bandingkan 'kalau negara lain x bagi ruang untuk kebebasan agama khususnya kpd umat Islam', atau 'kalau di negara india jgn harap Islam dapat buat ibadat itu dan ini'... Kalau kita pun nak sekat sebagaimana negara luar tu, kita pun sama spt mereka sdgkan agama kita tak ajar macam tu pun.
Aku bukanlah pandai sgt bab agama, tapi aku yakin kalau orang islam tunjukkan contoh yang baik khususnya sebagai pemerintah yang adil, Islam akan lebih dihormati dan disenangi, itu lebih penting. Aku yakin Allah pelihara keadilan dan segala yang pincang dalam perlaksanaan itu adalah ujianNya.
Sekadar pendapat,
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Lawan TPPA Hingga Malaysia Tarik Diri
Kenyataan Terbuka
Monday, October 14, 2013
Debunking the Misconceptions of the Fight against TPPA
By Anas Alam Faizli
It has been many months since the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) caught the public's serious attention and subsequently brought into broad daylight from the covert negotiations it has enjoyed since 2010. Since then, dialogues, workshops, awareness campaigns, media literature and negotiations amongst various civil society organisations have taken place.
Bantah TPPA, the largest single voice yet far in the ongoing battle against TPPA, has made significant inroads into increasing public awareness and engaging various stakeholders, industry experts, as well as the government to address the potential harms of the TPPA onto ordinary Malaysians at large. However, there are other antagonists to the TPPA too; ranging from political personalities, special interest groups and even protectionism pundits.
But the TPPA is bigger than that. Its implications are real and will affect real Malaysian people on the ground regardless of political belief, race or interest.
Bantah is not against free trade, but against TPPA; against giving trade partners free passports to have claim onto our domestic regulations and ultimately, our sovereignty . TPPA is neither about fair trade nor even about free trade alone, given that only 6 of the 29 negotiated chapters are about trade. The remaining chapters are all potential threats to Malaysia's sovereignty and economic development.
Therefore, I humbly attempt to debunk some of the myths about TPPA, and why the opposition to it serves beyond, if at all, the purpose of only these various special interest groups.
Supporters of TPPA will always ride on the open market promises that the TPPA allegedly offers. Local companies can penetrate the market of the US and 12 other countries and it seems that the benefits of free trade and market liberalization will be at their disposal. A few have analogized the TPPA with a 6 or 8 lanes super highway which will open itself to our local companies upon Malaysia ratifying the TPPA. Compared to the narrow trunk roads that they are currently using, forces against TPPA will be labeled as protectionists who are jealous with the huge potentials awaiting these exporters. Is this true?
Protectionism is frowned upon by many. We read international economics and trade textbooks and we will stumble upon the curse on protectionism due to the latter's role in the Great Depression. While we agree in principle that protectionism was to be blamed (in fact it was the US who started it), it is not a "one way traffic". Opposing TPPA may land you on the protectionist camp (if it really is) but will TPPA guarantee that the US will not resort to protectionism forever?
We should not be so naïve that the US will dismantle its trade protection laws particularly its notorious anti-dumping and countervailing laws. While MITI negotiators are very optimistic about exploring new markets in the Asia-Pacific region, our shrimp producers have been slapped with 60% anti-dumping and countervailing duties by the US Fair Trading Commission (FTC). Is not that protectionist?
Again, we should not be misled by the obligation to reduce tariffs as part of our market access obligations. The US tariff rates on most products have long been low. What deters our exports from entering the US market is not that. It is the non-tariff barriers which make it very costly for our producers to comply with the US technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures. The US has higher standards than us and it is likely that their standards will be imposed on us in case the TPPA comes into force.
2) Opposing TPPA is anti-competition
Supporters of TPPA have been harping on the possibility of TPPA enhancing market competition in Malaysia. While having a regulation that promotes the competitive process is good for the nation, there is no clear link between competition promotion and the TPPA. Malaysia already has Competition Act 2010 which regulates competition in Malaysia and the law does not discriminate between local and foreign companies. Supposed one sees the necessity of increasing the level of competition in the market, the answer lies in the effectiveness of the provisions of this Act and their implementation by the competition authority in Malaysia, not mandatory recommendations that come from outside the country. Most free trade agreements (FTAs) do not provide for substantive and procedural rules that must be incorporated into domestic competition regulation.
3) Opposing TPPA is a Malay agenda
Supporters of the TPPA are arguing that the critical analysis of the possible impact of TPPA on government procurement only serves the Malay interests. Contrary to this perception, the arguments against the agreement are more than promoting the Malay interests. It goes without saying that with TPPA, there is a danger of importing the more stringent intellectual property protection standards into this country. The increase in prices of medicines will not only be felt by Malays.
Non-discrimination that the TPPA strives to achieve is not the prevention of discrimination between locals. The TPPA targets discriminatory practices that differentiate between local producers and foreign producers and between producers from different countries.
4) TPPA will help uproot corruption from outside
Whether corruption is endemic in this country is a question that may be answered differently depending on whom it is posed to. But considering the level of public dissatisfactions over government spending and the scandalous exposes that have rocked the ruling party, it is not unusual if fighting corruption is used to justify the TPPA. But is fighting corruption impossible that an outsider's help is necessary to make such noble intention comes true. And if the answer is yes, what regulation of trade relations between States has to do with removing the leakages that result from corrupt practices in the country?
It is true that aspects of international trade regulation are prone to corruption just as other branches of public authorities. However the task of uprooting corruption should be left to domestic regulation. FTAs, including TPPA should merely liberalize trade and remove trade barriers. If the trend is to broaden the scope of FTAs to domestic regulation, it may be good if the high standards of US anti-corruption law be exported to our country. But is that the case as far the TPPA is concerned? We do hope that there is an anti-corruption chapter in the draft TPPA text. If there is none, should the US be concerned with the corrupt practices by people in the Malaysian government or businesses?
Bantah TPPA was given birth by individuals and NGOs realizing the dangers and threats posed by the TPPA. Proposed by BLINDSPOT, MTEM and the Anti FTA committee in June 2013, it is currently the largest Anti-TPPA coalition in the country, strongly comprised of 60 NGOs and 9 coalition councils e.g MAC, MCTC, MTUC, MPM, each of whom represents at least 50 NGOs. Bantah is also participated by the youth groups such as SAMM, SMM and also PKPIM, Islamic movements such as IKRAM, MAPIM and ABIM and several Malay and Chinese chambers of commerce.
Bantah is an apolitical coalition that has no political interests, business interests and is not representing any specific race or quarters. Bantah rejects the TPPA. Despite that fact, Bantah has submitted 75 redlines (items which are costly to the government) to the Prime Minister, stating that if the government still insist on signing the TPPA, the government is urged to ensure that these redlines be strictly adhered to without compromise.
Bantah comprises of academicians, trade experts, law experts, health experts, environmentalists, patent experts, scholars and professionals from all sectors of the industry and society. All proposals and views of Bantah were first referred to the experts who also form Bantah's committee.
Bantah has met and will continue to meet with all quarters from all walks of the society, from fishermen, farmers, planters, professionals, to all political parties, government agencies, government ministries, ministers, including the MITI minister himself and even the Prime Minister DS Najib Tun Razak.
The Prime Minister had in his statement made during the recent APEC Summit Dialogue in Bali said that he would ensure the government considers the agreement based on the people's support on whether they agree or disagree with the agreement. Bantah welcomes this commitment and urges the people to make their opinions heard. Join Bantah!
* Anas Alam Faizli is an oil and gas professional. He is pursuing a post-graduate doctorate, co-Founder of BLINDSPOT and BANTAH TPPA and tweets at @aafaizli
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Respon Besar Mahukan Mahathir-Anwar Sepentas Malam Ini di Kg Baru
Kenyataan Media
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Akhirnya Atas Desakan Rakyat, Najib Sedar TPPA Bahaya
Banglo 7.2 Juta: Terima Kasih Nora Danish
Kenyataan Umum
"Bagaimana anaknya dapat membeli banglow ini? Adakah dia layak? Adakah dia membeli dengan tunai? Jika melibatkan pinjaman bank berapa banyak pinjaman dibuat dan berapa jumlah tunai yang dibayar? Bagaimana bank boleh memberikan kelulusan bernilai jutaan ringgit kepadanya, adakah kerana dia anak menteri?"
Friday, October 4, 2013
Fwd: Pentas Perdana Anti-TPPA Pertemu Tun M dan Anwar 10 Oktober, 8.30 Malam di KSS Kg baru
Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM)
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Kehadiran Anda di Parlimen Adalah Amanah Yang Tidak Patut Diseleweng
3 Oktober 2013
Kehadiran Anda di Parlimen Adalah Amanah Yang Tidak Patut Diseleweng
Akhirnya Rang Undang-undang Pencegahan Jenayah (PCA) (Pindaan dan Peluasan) 2013 dilulus oleh Dewan Rakyat. Rang undang-undang tersebut hanya dibantah oleh 66 ahli parlimen manakala yang menyokongnya pula seramai 115 ahli parlimen.
Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia negeri Melaka (SAMM Melaka) tidak dapat menyembunyikan perasaan terkilan bukan hanya kerana undang-undang 'drakonian' ini diwujudkan semula setelah dimansuhkan tahun lalu, tetapi juga kerana segelintir wakil rakyat dari Pakatan Rakyat didapati tidak hadir ke Parlimen.
Atas nama memperjuangkan nasib rakyat, di manakah anda ketika satu perbahasan yang penting berlangsung di Parlimen? Pengundian 'belah bahagi' khususnya yang melibatkan peruntukkan undang-undang negara wajib diambil bahagian oleh semua ahli parlimen yang diundi rakyat. Apatah lagi undang-undang tersebut boleh penjarakan rakyat tanpa perbicaraan selama 2 tahun, sepertimana ISA suatu ketika dulu.
Masih segar dalam ingatan pada awal Jun lalu, banyak pihak yang mohon agar dilewatkan walau sehari dari mengangkat sumpah sebagai ahli parlimen sebagai tanda protes penipuan PRU. Namun bingkas suara dari MP mengatakan Parlimen adalah wajib dihadiri demi rakyat, malah ada yang minta supaya jangan gopoh.
Zuraidi Abdullah
Penyelaras SAMM Melaka
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Hilang Senjata Api: Rakyat Perlukan Jawapan, Bukan Kebarangkalian
Kenyataan Umum