Tuesday, July 21, 2009

CCTV hanya berfungsi ketika masuk, tidak berfungsi ketika keluar?

Saya blogmaster edyesdotcom, sangat-sangat bersetuju dengan pernyataan di bawah. Amatlah diterima logik akal!

Jangan Biarkan diri anda diselubungi
misteri Kematian Teoh...

01. Kalau Teoh dah
dibebaskan mengapa kelengkapan beliau termasuklah Handphone masih berada ditangan SPRM???? ( Sepatutnya.. setiap individu yang telah dibebaskan selepas sesi soal siasat,akan dipulangkan segala barang kepunyaannya )

02. CC TV hanya dapat merakamkan gambar beliau jam 5.30 petang semasa berjalan masuk ke pejabat SPRM,CC TV tidak dapat mengesan Teoh keluar dari pejabat SPRM,maksudnya beliau masih berada dalam pejabat itu sehingga mayatnya dijumpai????

03. Sekira Teoh ingin membunuh diri, sudah pasti beliau akan terjun terus kebawah,untuk maut secara total.. Mengapa pula beliau perlu terjun ke tingkat lima sahaja yang mayatnya tersorok dan tidak dilihat oleh orang ramai.???

Sendiri Mau Ingat ma......



nizamismail81 said...
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Anonymous said...

Teoh x nampak jalan utk pulang ke rumah nya so hang tolonh pegang lilin utk dia ye.........jgn lupa PEGANG LILIN TAU.

San said...

The initial postmortem report revealed that Teoh Beng Hock was murdered by MACC.

(1) He was pronouced dead at around 8 to 9 am. But MACC claimed they only heard a big sound at 1.30 pm and then found his body.

(2) His handphone is not with his body. Teoh was either still under the custody of MACC or someone removed the phone from his dead body.

(3) The latch of window in leval 14 where MACC office is located found at the floor of level 5.

(4) The body is not facing down unlike normal suicide from tall building. This pointed to he was already dead when he was falling down.

(5) The blood stain is abnormal little. This is another sign to show that he already dead before falling down.

(6) His pants were torn. His pants incidentally hooked to window latch before his body was forced out.

(7) The timber door at MACC main entrance was shut down from 1.15 to 1.50 pm. This 45 minutes duration is mostly the body was pushed out.

From these initial findings, my conclusion is he was murdered inside the office at 8 - 9 am before his dead body was threw out from level 14 at 1.30 pm.

reek said...

Malaysia is slowly and surely turning into a very sick place. We must finish off Umno and its cronies to cure the country from this acute sickness.

coolooc said...

Umno/BN component parties and their cronies/EC/MACC/PDRM - No. 1 liar and public enemy, bunch of corrupted, despicable, racist morons rotten to the core!